338 Comments Posted by redinkreign

Kind of makes your heart sink, too-- Decay may make it all the more beautiful, but that's the terminal end of decay, which means less time for such memories to sit around. ):
Greaaaaaat. . . . At least it's cheery.
The architecture is really interesting.
It's like an autopsy theatre-- But a dentist theatre . . . D:
Ooooh-- Moody lighting. I like how it's cold and blue on the inside of the room, yet the orange lighting outside of the door doesn't seem like a much better alternative. Brilliant!
I thought they were more common-place . . . I've seen one in my days.
Oh, that's lovely, indeed! I wouldn't have expected to find something so delicate there! :D
Thank-you, thank-you!

It looks like it was a very intriguing place.
Ooooh. . . Hate to have been in THAT wreck. Trashed cars always look scary.
This place must have been SCREAMING with feelings of memories . . . I love the caution tape and the sunlight. :3
They look stretched-- They remind me of tendons. . .
It's beautiful-- I'm glad you got time to shoot this, too!
Thank-you for the new gallery--

It's always a pleasure!