323 Comments Posted by reddll

How awkward this fire escape looks! You can definitely tell it wasn't part of the original plans!
How beautiful is this! I hope this is part of the renovations as well! It would be a shame to see all of these details lost.
I hope this is included in the rennovations here!
What a rather graceful staircase.
Oh Wow!
This reminds me of those car play mats that I had as a child. To think, some artist created this and there it sits.
Why the heck would there even be such a weird wall in jail?
"Little Box of Horrors"
How appropriate! The "red light district" and here the "red door district"! Hee Hee, couldn't help it! Sorry!
Where bending over becomes a risk taking event.
I wonder if they were trying to keep them in with the sinks or out of the sinks?
Tsk, Tsk. I have some of this very stuff. Actual "cop" tape is better made. This is that cheap stuff you can buy at Halloween and from novelty stores.
Whoa! I thought I would visit the little black sheep again. I didn't expect them to have gained such a "tail"! As a normal child I often created works of art to please, anger, excite, and awe others. Many had no particular meaning. Often they were "works of circumstance". If I was near a field of cows, maybe a drew a cow getting run over or flying or some other such nonsense. Maybe I just thought it would be funny. Often the simplist explanation is the best one. In this case here, we have the artist who has clearly explained the art work. Case closed. She had her experiences and others had different experiences. Some were abused, but most were not. You can't think of the past in terms of today. The ways of thinking and the information available always effects what happens in any time frame. Often it wasn't known that the things that were done were harmful. We have the benefit today of knowing so many more things then people used to.
It is comforting in na way that one art form that has been physically destroyed has been preserved by another form of art. : )
Why thank you Kadee. (gives a bow)