291 Comments Posted by pOISONOUSXBEAUTY

How do we know it's number 3?
All these buildings look structurally sound for the most part...it's such a shame they're being torn down. I want to live in one. Like this little house...that's not that little...haha.
This reminds me of a little daytime cafe, or a polite bed and breakfast. It resembles nothing to me of a mental insitution. I like that.
Bath time kiddies! Just ignore the floating mildew...
Shiney , like new!
amazing, simply amazing.
These abandoned halllway shots just make me think thst i'm going to be looking at one one day then BAM! Someone is going to come runnign down the hallway and right out of my compuer screen.
barbara-we actually still have chairs like that here, it's kind of creepy to see them here though.
You can have a cookie you you get to the other side of the maze.
Way to label your Bra...reminding you that those are states property!
Symetry? Yes. 10!
I'm already afraid of the dentist...I can't even imagine sitting in this chair!
Thanks X, I understand the feeling of being safe somewhere, I have times where I will stay in my house for weeks, no outside contact, no school, phone unplugged, all that good stuff.
Thank you SO much for the wallpaper!
Eh, I'm not going to rush down there anyways, lol not when I'm so close to other hospitals, even though they're highly guarded =\