651 Comments Posted by nancy

Thought the same thing, jessica. I would think those files would be important to someone.
Wouldn't someone just love to get their hands on some of those relics?
Everytime I see these pictures I always feel the same way; how can anyone just walk away and leave everything to deteriorate? I mean, what happens, do they just close down and leave everything to rot? What a waste!
Reminds me of the days of the ushers with the flashlights. Everything then was shssssss.
Brings back memories of the old theaters. Just let them sit and rot; what a shame.
Aren't these antiques? Why do they let these things just sit around and decay like this?
Still such a shame to let a building just waste away like this.
Everybody says beautiful, beautiful when I feel, such a waste. But I know what they mean; Motts has a wonderful photography talent!
Why oh why do they let these buildings sit vacant to the point of no return ? What a waste!
JUst reading the comments of all you guys, makes my day!!!
The more I view this web-site, the more I wish I could have gone through these rooms, hallways, and buildings; before they are no longer there. So, Motts, did you take all these pictures and you KNEW security was watching?
What sadness walks these hallways! The newer homes today will never ever have the archetecture they had then.
Wonderful picture! Is it true then that this building no longer is standing?!?!?I guess Robert said it better than anyone could. (by the way Lynn, love your sign language!)
Tell me please, How much survives of any of these buildings? I'm having the time of my life just reading people's comments!! Some are so hilarious! Loved the one by Kahuna69!!
Can you really imagine what went on in these rooms? That's what makes these pictures more mystifying.