651 Comments Posted by nancy

Don't like going to the movies anymore; too much disrespect and also TOO expensive!
Then someone should take "the surprisingly new" things out of there and make use of them elsewhere.
Radiation? Shock treatments?
Why can't somebody tell me the "ACTUAL USE OF SAID APPARATUS?" Whay's the big secret?
Very very very very nice shot!!!!
Fantastic Halloween picture!!!!
Take away the fence and the sign and it reminds me of an old civil war photo.
Why were these buildings so dreary and depressing looking? We're only looking at the pictures and making comments; can you imagine someone saying to you that you're going to be living here? That depresses me just thinking about it!
I need to know something, if anybody can answer this, Was mental illness many years ago classified differently than it is now? I know we habe facillities today for people with mental problems but it just seems, to me anyway, that it was just so over-bearing years and years ago. Did thet put someone away for minor things? I guess there wasn't too much they could do for them back then, right?
How depressing; how sad. What those poor people must have went through!
These pictures are just too much. Motts is taking pictures of things that one day will no longer exist.
WOW!!!!! Would just love to walk down these hallways and look in every room!
Fantastic picture!!! Has anyone ever heard of "If you can't say anything nice about anybody, don't say anything at all?" I think every single picture you take is fantastic, Motts. There always has to be somebody out there that always thinks they know a little bit more than anybody else.
Looking at these pictures, I also picture the activity that once happened there; the patients, the nurses, the doctors. It's really sad and I never realized there were so many insane asylums around like this. I guess years and years ago they didn't really know a whole lot how to treat you, either, not like today with our modern medicine. Those poor poor people.
Beautiful picture! But I still can certainly understand why these people were depressed.