583 Comments Posted by mike

How lonely...
Amazing that the light fixtures (or soap dispensers) are still intact. Not only that, but they hadn't been replaced with fluorescent's and miles of conduit.
I think the bed frame was about to pounce on the chair before you walked in.
I think you are right about this just being regular 35mm stock. As a minor correction, both 35mm and 70mm have 4 sprocket holes per frame. The height of the frame is the same for both formats which allowed for the same sprokets and timing to be used in a dual format projector head. Obviously with different filmgates and appature plates... I think I am starting to date my theatre years. I have threaded both 35mm and 70mm with optical, mag, and digital sound, but have never booted up a digital projector! Heck, we were still using normal slide projectors for the ads that showed before the movie started. Ahhhh, the good old days. Never had to mess with carbon arc though.
No debate there eldokid. They are very cool!
Great and accurate title.
It is like the Shining... "Welcome Mr. Motts, we have been expecting you." Or maybe, "Why Mr. Motts, you are the caretaker here sir. You have always been the caretaker."
Motts, what is the size perspective of this shot? That film almost looks to be 70mm instead of 35mm. Do you remember if it was more than about 1.25" wide?
Truth be told, you would have a hard time giving these away let alone selling them. The projector heads on the front could be worth a little something and more than likely would still be very usable. Those lamphouses are cool to find and great to look at, but there are many reasons they haven't been used commercially in decades.
Ive been here before and I can tell you it has an amazing energy around it, as if you can feel what the patients felt in there.
With the title of this picture being Behemoth, Conquer All comes to mind. Anyone?
How many times did you check that door before you closed it?! would have been a lot for me.
Great gallery as always. You have a perfect eye for this and we thank you.
I don't think I have ever seen freestanding urinals before. Nice find.