128 Comments Posted by kaycebane

as soon as i quit gasping for air Ill search my limited vocabulary for words close to describing how much i like this shot and this room. truley awesome in both its forms!
thats the saddest lonely chair ive ever seen. its just not cut out for it.
sam, whacha got against that poor door? I love that door! realy! dont know why, its kinda a sad little door, but i love that door!
well that answered all my questions! thats why im always the last one on, theres some smart mofos out there. i love this place
help! i know my old eyes are going, and my computer is old but what are the wires for? the ones around the ceiling plaques and in front of the arch? am i missing the obviouse?, , (probably, but would someone help me out anyway, its driving me nuts) as usual motts, your work keeps me up late and smiling like an idiot. usualy id have to get drunk to like something this much:) thanx.....AGAIN
oh happy days are here again!!!!!!!!!!! thanks motts! as usual its worth the wait
thankyou lynn and johnny mac. much applause and loud cheering for all of you that give. and motts, somewhere in washington state theres an old grandma that loves you. keep it up!!!!!
found your site by accident. sure glad i did. add another fan to the legions im sure are following. thanx!!!!!! was incredible. cant wait to see more!