436 Comments Posted by ilovehorseyrides

If this place got weeds in it, how did that girl and her mom get through the place to get the story for NBC10?
I saw Bill Baldini on TV on April 27, 2010 on NBC10 News at approx. about 5:40 PM
I think they secured it after the guy banged his head against it...
I'm gonna fix that computer
Oops I meant 2 weeks ago
Or did the guy bang his head here? IDK...HEY IT WAS LIKE @ WEEKS AGO WHEN IT WAS SHOWN ON NBC10 NEWS!!!!! Yeesh...
I saw an old clip of a guy banging his head against the window while sitting here... I think. It was on TV.
I saw that place on TV when I was watching NBC 10 News 2 weeks ago. It's pretty neat stuff!!! They showed a 10th grade girl who lived next door to the place (and is obsessed with it), and she was on the news, and old clips! After seeing that story on the news, I wanna visit here in person!!!

If yoy missed the news story, here's the link: http://www.nbc10.com/v.../4294108/detail.html
Those 2 beds look perfect for sleeping on
Looks like blood
I can't find my neighborhood!!!
Thanks, Merc24! It's actually a BELATED birthday if you say it AFTER the actual B-day.
Lucky you, Jackie Karp! I wanna go to Rocking Horse Ranch, too! Where is it?
Can you translate that, Anna Wang?