767 Comments Posted by flushed

Jim C in my opinion it is a passive aggressive way to destroy records that should be kept to prevent people coming back to hold them to account for bad things that happened when they were helpless.
N-Thats a ceiling at the far end. That dial is more likely a light or fire alarm/smoke detector.
Mica the usual color is some kind of puke teal green or grey. generally cheap and unpleasing to the eye. I suspect they used this color because it is pleasing to the eye in an attempt to help keep the imates calm.
N-Not all inmates are suicidal. Most inmates in a prison just want to do their time and get out so there is no worry that they may hang themself.
I have been trying to figure out what that bit at the top of the doors is. I think it may be an electromagnet to lock down all the doors at once.There is a chase above all the doors covered in sheet metal for the works to be installed. An extra protection from lock picking aside from that indentation the lock faces are in.
Noun, Verb, Adjective..... Its the Swiss Army Knife of words.
The fact of there being canvas peeling off that pipe on the left makes it very likely that it there is Asbestos in the insulation. It is a good rule of thumb in old places. They still use canvas in Marine applications and some other places like tank heads. There is also the fact that old places will have repairs of varying ages.
The thing with Asbestos is that you cannot know if it is or isn't without having it looked at under an electron microscope.
If it wasn't clear the inmate would hang a blanket on that "rope" to get privacy.
Prisoners do this to get privacy. Privacy is the first thing you notice has been taken from you in jail.
"A crank bed? Now that is something that needs to be on display somewhere"
The Mutter museum
it is a urinal for the bedridden.
That book gives a good idea of what I went through in the Shelter behind the Isolation Hospital. I tried to get him to do a piece on me but he was burnt out on the subject and well I'm some guy off the internet.....
Old fashioned stair master
Ka Reeepy
I did some research on my family and spoke to some guy in PA who made a hobby of documenting the Italian immigrants to his pat of PA. It was kind of upsetting because he was telling me about the Black Hand a precursor of the more famous mafia and he kept saying over and over "they do it to their own people" in a way that left me feeling very uncomfortable. I kind of felt he wanted a reaction but at the same time he seemed to have no idea how he sounded.
Nothing beats east coast fall color.

Check out this book; "The State Boys Rebellion"

It describes a place near Boston where Eugenics was the basis of taking the boys and placing them there. They used this ploy on the poor, delinquents, single mothers or anyone who was unfortunate enough to fall under the radar of one of its proponents with juice. The most frequent use of the authority foolishly granted these people was to sterilize the children and adults they took into "Protective" custody so they couldn't pollute the gene pool. That is the central idea behind Eugenics.
I mention it because of the chart. Moron, Imbecile, Idiot etc are all "classifications" under the Eugenics model. It was a perversion of Darwin's theory to excuse treating the less fortunate badly. Much of what I heard said about me in the Shelter behind the Isolation Hospital was based in Eugenics. I even heard someone try to correct the person talking about me that way but of course they were not successful and surprise surprise I never saw that defender again.