82 Comments Posted by chopsuey

your job sattisfaction must be fantastic, i paint for a living and forsure my job satisfaction is pretty low, when i say paint i mean decorate not pictures...
as late as 1990 prisoners in england wre still "slopping out" emptying their plastic pots containg their piss and shit, although it was frowned upon to shit in your pot so most prissoners would shit in a newspaper and throw it out the cell window, in the mornings some unlucky group of prisoners would be the "bomb dissposal team and go around with a cart picking up these nasty packages.......
i know this is a silly question but when they shut a jail do they move all the cons at the same time or a few at a time, imagine if they had to wait for everyone to finish their sentences first,how mad would that be....go on imagine it....go on.......
its in abetter state then our british prisons stillopen
your knowledge is endless, thank you.
you are one of the good...
listen if you dont all stop it ill put you in the giant human autoclave torture device from hell, maybe......
look at 4 white buttons, do 2 of them say bucky1 bucky2, what is bucky.......
lynne im new here, how l;ong have you worked in this field.........
who would take there shoes and socks off and paddle through it... it makes fire walking seem strangley appealing
imagine unclipping your dates bra and seeing that.......
weird dentist chair man, its more a couch
crawley hospital in england the morgue is next to the kitchens...
somethings are best left where they belong....
yet if you write it up on a board, assuming the patient could read are you asking these questions without the said patient seeing the board, if not how can you judge this abillty to have a concept of reality if the answer to your question is clearly written in front of them.and if the board isnt in view of the patients then i find that even more strange. dean.waddington@hotmail.co.uk