1,466 Comments Posted by autoguy

Interesting to see this posted Motts! I am very familiar with the history of this Life magazine article. Lord and Life did indeed spark national outrage with this material.

For those who may interested, I suggest watching the Frontline episode "The New Asylums" on the PBS web site. There is a followup episode posted for viewing also. PBS will be airing "The Lobotomist" again soon, and it can also be viewed online. The story of Icepick Wally, a true madman.

Eldo: Watch the above Frontlines to see what happens today. Also, back in the 80s, very much federal funding was cut that had helped support many health care institutions. That resulted in the extensive closures and release of patients to fend for themselves. Very many of them simply became the wards of our correctional systems, as shown by Frontline.
Much coolness! Rusty old decrepit gurneys, a fitting landing spot for my own rusty old decrepit ass some day. I call dibs on the "morgue use only" unit!
Ephemera: Dead Rollers
And it seems like that's where all these ended up. In a men's room. These obviously didn't go over very well with the ladies. Men? Oh hell, we'll piss anywhere, we don't care. Well, an electric fence is not good. Almost anywhere.
The older drills had that articulated arm with a belt of sorts that strung through all the pulleys to the drill. It was quite funky. The rest hook is on this arm, and the drill was parked there. I was severely tortured by one of these when young.
The zombies have tub races at night.
That cyclopropane sounds like some scary stuff! Not only highly explosive, but real touchy to use.
Or the spikes are part of some kind of disciplinary torture device. Could ask the zombies in the building, but they pretty much just growl and bite.
Maybe the PTs kept eating the soap?
I'll guess the center knob is for the drain stopper. Separate faucets are nuts. Either scald your skin off or freeze your hands. I try to wash my hands fast before the hot water gets too hot.
Curves and odd shapes add an average of 20% to the cost of a building. A considerable amount, yep.

Yeah Dave, a friend had one of those space-dash Chryslers in the family. One of coolest dashboards ever made! Our neighbor had a matched pair of late 50s Mercuries that were two-tone pink and black from the factory. He kept them both in impeccable condition. He loved those cars. And hated little kids. (Me) :oD
Yeah, it got too cold so I stopped sleeping in there.
If I may clear the air on these: I rarely see these and have only seen them a few times myself. I know exactly what they are. I had seen them advertised in a 1940s "Motor Age" magazine, a trade magazine for auto service stations. Believe it or not, these were sold as a urinal for women to use while standing.

My only encounter with these in person was at the Del Coronado Hotel in San Diego, (California, USA). The rest room had been marked for men when I saw them. Having been aware they existed and never seeing one, It was a rare treat to piss in such an odd piece of hygiene history.
Thnx for all the new galleries Motts! How many unposted shoots do you have in the wings? At one point, you mentioned 167. Must be well over 200 by now!

Great use of a wallpaper sample book, yes. Does anyone even make sample books that large any more?
Those paint chips are making me hungry.
It plays AND sterilizes vinyl LPs!