1,466 Comments Posted by autoguy

A cozy respite for many a drunken transient.
The zombies would find you the first night.
Insert banging head joke here.
Old school heating is what those pipes are. Except the upper box, that's a zombie detector.
Give up hope all ye who enter. Those ledges were the only escape available. There's the low dive, the high dive, the extra high...
It grabs innocent victims that get close and eats them. It looks like it may have some kind of genital warts. Don't touch those.
If there was fog, there had to be zombies. They can be seen off in the distance, trudging through the fog.
They are. They are all the zombies that wander around in there. They're hungry too.
It's much more fun to apply a sinister air to things like this. It was used to burn bodies and the bottom of the smokestack is filled with teeth.
Boy, look at all the hullabaloo over one label! Who knew it could be so much fun? It's common sense that mouth gags are always stored with the tap bells, no?
The tiled rooms are where the messy stuff happens. Lobotomies, etc.. Guts and blood splatters can be easily hosed off the walls.
Steam supply left on to go leak in long abandoned buildings? Your tax dollars hard at work! :o)
Drippings from above is my guess. Those rails are stainless steel. (Contains nickel)
Beware of zombies in this area.
A false ceiling has been removed. Yep Ferdy, what I thought too. Plank marks from the concrete forms. This is the only hospital that I can recall seeing the "cow catchers" all over to stop things from hitting the walls. In the TB hospitals, PTs were rolled outside in their beds often. Sleeping outside in cold night air had a beneficial effect.