273 Comments Posted by amy

Motts, please tell me that's your reflection. I'm freaked out now.
This is lovely! So disorderly but there is something perfectly clean about it too.
amazing amazing site. Am totally in awe of your work and your balls to do it. From all us chickens out here who have desperately wanted to see these places, thank you. I had to comment on this geri chair. We had two of these when I worked at a nursing home and the residents had to share them. They cost thousands of dollars. Why would so many be just left behind? But then, if every place you photographed were cleaned out, we wouldn't get that same sense of what had been, I suppose. I wonder if you are ever tempted to take something from these places. Something amazing just left to rot away. Have you ever been caught in the act? Is there a place or places that you just cannot get into? Are you also studying the science of the decay you find? Looking at certain pictures you can see how different materials hold up much better than others, I wonder if you think these things. Again, thank you.