23 Comments Posted by TONY

this is where I'm going on my next date!
"help me, doc! I'm crazy!"
Incredible! Looks like a cool Halo2 map or something...
That's interesting Jessie... First good thing I heard about the place.

I went with my buddies this morning 4/19/08. We were able to get into the second floor window, the whole place is vandalized and there's a lot of bat shit every where. It's creepy but yet at the same time, it's vandalized to such an extent you can't focus.

It's quite interesting to notice some of the drawings on the wall, and it's surprisingly terrifying exploring the rooms.
It is an old model 1260 offset press. The ink trays were removable on them for easy cleaning and repair. I worked in a print shop with my father 25 years ago and there were 4 or 5 of these that were used to print job work on such as businessd cards, single sheet fliers, etc.
I used to run cross country for nearby TZ high school and we would run up in the trails by the tunnels all the time.. We would always make the freshman run down the tunnel without flashlights as a sort of initiation. Very stupid looking back because we had no idea whether there were holes in the ground. We actually came into contact with the "camper" he was very strange and painted a large pentagram on a tarp covering the doorway leading into the bunker. This area is known for devil worshipping and there is alot of strange things up there. Lets ust say i wouldnt want to be there at night or even run alone there during the day. Its a very eerie place to be
what did he look like, when was this