289 Comments Posted by Sandy

I'm curious as to the price of the apartments. I clicked on the website but couldn't see any prices listed.
Makes me think of an airport terminal for some reason.
No AC? Yuck! I hate heat and humidity so I'd probably die there!
Reminds me of the wheelchair in the movie The Changeling..very scary!
Forgive me for being stupid..is that a tiny stove?
Wow. Just...wow!
Buildings were beautiful back in the day..why can't we build that way today? Things were so beautiful then!
Larry D..Okay. I totally laughed out loud at your comment, and I'm at work!
Paul..congrats on you and your sister running track! I mentioned earlier in this gallery that I am currently reading the book "They Called It The Home For Incurables" and it's a wonderful book..a complete history of Newington. Charles..sad to hear that you thought it was a place of horrors. Everything I've read says that children were actually very happy there, and the staff became family to them. But there are 2 sides to every story!
BKW..they became a very highly regarded surgical center as time went on..training doctors from all over the world. The surgeries were mostly orthopedic. They also became known world-wide for their "brace shop" that designed braces for children for all sorts of muscular conditions.
I am currently reading "They Called It Home For The Incurables" and it's a great book..very comprehensive if you want to learn about the entire history of Newington. Luckily we have inter-library loan..this book was not available anywhere in Iowa..I was able to borrow it from a library in Connecticut. Great read!
Why the tan square on the right wall, right at the beginning of the photo? I thought it was some sort of board for hanging posters or something, but I see that there is peeling paint in the middle.
What was the color of the floral wallpaper?
Maybe it was supposed to read 12 AM to 6 AM?
Dark-Star I think the angel ornament is the content of the package.