61 Comments Posted by Sammi

Its like its a picture of a beautiful garden hanging on the wall...but its real!!!! how much sweeter can life get? Stunning!
How weird...three people chillin' together...checkin out the scenery. odd.
Fatty Fatty Two By Four Cant Get Through The Basement Door....poor little chair...
Haha this totally remindes me of the SAW movies..... I want to play a game...........
haha yeah i meant to also say enchanted* in the beginning :)
I hope i dont seem crazy but this photograph is awfully magical to me....the way it was shot looks like a door leading into an enhnted forest crossed with an old building...the moss and the water is really something else. i feel enchanted.
I have cats who love furniture but gosh darn it looks like a tiger tore through that chair....shucks it looked like it woulda been really comfy too :(
its amazing how these places are falling to pieces and yet they evoke so much emotion in how visually stunning they are...what a perfect example <3
Either theres something really scary they dont want getting in,,,OR something really freaky they dont want to get out...either way id be scared!
Are the heavy set inmates kept on the lower level? O.o
Id rather go on my days looking like chubaka crossed with a mountain man than shower with people in prison...especially this one. But hey at least their separate right?! j/k
Haha ... i love wishful thinking... ;)
i feel like being in a place like this its like a complete void....every minute of your life elongated like time is never going to pass by, its really freaky to think that some people lived everyday of their lives in there :(
simply wicked....words cant explain how much i love this photo
I wanna draw little S's on all the coins: Skittles....piss the rainbow :)