215 Comments Posted by Prancer

Morbid Muppet?
( 3rd apple )
Zombie-proof staircases - just add gate(s) in the event of a zombie breakout.
( fish )
The bookcases idea makes a lot of sense. Much more than electric fireplaces which was my first thought.

Way too much institutional green tile. - photo
I think it is possibly and art installation, by the local zombie-artist

Juxiposition of a green background and a dead plant, and bad spelling

Just a thought - apple
I thought that was a little funny - triple locks on the left hand door, and a swinging half-door on the right.
I also blame the 70's for replacing every light possible with florescent tubes.

Brutalist 70's era architecture at it's best.
I assume they only got drop-offs during those hours. Or they were trying to confuse visiting zombies.
Grand, beautiful, yet the roof is dark, heavy and menacing.

Totes cool!
This is lovely, could it be wallpaper? ( of course, I haven't done the whole slideshow yet. . . )
Needs blood red lipstick
Does blood stained marble really boost home value? Here what our expert has to say right after these messages!
Oh, one more thing:

Zombies are behind the far door. They can smell you through the transom window.
It's odd because - the archway is apparently through a wall that is 4 feet thick, and the proportions of six squares on the door on the right are, squewed? The tiny ones at the top are opposite of how most 6 panel doors are installed, but some if the squewing may be distortion from the lens. Lastly, the door on the far wall looks taller and skinnier that the door to the right. I think that all adds up to making this view of the room weird. Must have helped to keep the crazy people insane.
So, who stole the door handle?