291 Comments Posted by POisonousxbeauty

I can't wait until it's not in use anymore. I can only exlpore the grounds so much before the workers get upset with me. I've thought about getting a job in the file room there just to get inside. Maybe get a peek at the Danvers Files tha are supposively there. =)
When you look through that aping hole of doom you can see what appears to be a door, inside that door there's things that look like, cups? Anyone know what they are?
Antique Heavan!
Mailroom? How much mail can an asylum get, People totally used to just leave their family there and they typically forgot about them. The mailroom doesn't need those doors, I want them.
I wonder if at one point it's secludedness was abused...hmm...if this is the hospital I'm thinking of I believe it was.
That's a bit purplish. I like it. A lot.
Hey-were these all in the attic?
So clearly there's no toilets in this place? lol
It looks like some of the rooms are cleaned out...weird. Most places were just shut down and forgotten about.
This kind of reminds me of a little cottage on a lake or in the mountains.
Whoa that's just a wee bit trippy.
I'm going to take a wild guess and say that these pictures were takenin the Kirkbride complex??
Motts-I know this is a dumb question, and I know most of the asylums have their own generators, but by any chance have you come across an asylum that has no generato and is powered by the state?
I agree, I love the way the sunlight hits the Box. It almost seems as if it's leading you to something.
When I was renovating the upstairs of my house all the old walls were that ugly turqoiuse color. It was used in the 40's-50's. Such an ugly color.