433 Comments Posted by Ozzy

This is a cool view.
Holy crap that is messed up!
Now this is cool.
Hey, what about Ozzy? I've been on here since January 13, 2006. I became famous on this site with the famous slogan everybody loves.....DARKNES IS YOUR FRIEND. Remember there is only one Ozzy on opacity.
NO.....IT IS NOT REAL. There was a movie made here a few years back called The Prison Of The Physcotic Damned. In the movie a zombie guy did that what you mentioned in the movie.
This was simply a railway station not a nut house or a place where a guy humped dead bodies or where people were murdered. There were no deaths at this building or even a murder.
It was the parking garage for the railroad employees back in the day. Some where in here are a fews old busted up cars.
Trust me there is no power down in the old parking lot. The only power in the building is the clocks on the 10th floor, the 12 floor, and the main concourse. It is probably Motts camera flash.
Where is this hallway? I never seen on my hundreds of visits here?
Eagle Project Update:
The troop committee approved my project. Now I have to present my project to the eagle board.
No problem
Hey, that is my job to comment first! Oh well then.
You know, it makes me wonder if these paitents were given a proper burial or just simply thrown in the ground. Motts would you know?
Well I have to say that the CTRC have done a great job cleaning up the place. Next time when your in Buffalo, please stop in at the Terminal. The Main Concourse looks a lot better than when you came in. You can only explor the main course because the stairs are closed off to the public and you can only come in at a event or contact them on there website for permission to take photos of the other areas. Just say Ozzy sent you.
Yes you have, this started it all my friend.

Remember, Darkness Is Your Friend.
I want that exit sign. It may be worth something good on ebay.