651 Comments Posted by NANCY

Might be Lizzi Bordon's house!
Beautiful photo! I love stone buildings!
Thanks for making me laugh, Max!
Lovely photo! Looks almost like a painting.
I would if I'd clean it up a bit.
Not every hospital, even today can give you the BEST in specialized care. My brother died from mental illness and I wish he could have found a great place with "specialized care".
One time, many years ago, my daughter, neice and I all went to see a man they called Stoneman Willie. He used to be a prisoner at the Berks County prison and at the time, they were kind of experimenting with how much famaldyhyde(not sure if I spelled that right)to use. Anyway, they used too much on him and he actually turned as hard as a rock; this was maybe in the 1800's. They still have his body at some funeral home and we went to see him. We were shown to go to this top room of a garage; and there he was. There were caskets all around and we thought it was a storage area so my neice lifted the lid of one and there was an old lady laying in it!! I almost had a heart attack! Just thought I'd share that story.
Beautiful. MOtts, and all this will be gone someday.
It must have really been beautiful in its day. I know we all must move forward but it's still sad to see pictures like these that one day will no longer be.
Seriously, IS that the end?
And ALL this is going to be filled in with dirt?!? I could name alot of things from my area where they did that. Makes me feel wierd, yet sad, to know we're walking on top of things that "used to be" below us.
Boy, I get antsie if I'm stuck in the house and don't get out for awhile; imagine how these people felt?
I just finished a book on Christopher Reeve and the first thing I thought of was him when I looked at this chaire; really sad.
Check out those high ceilings! This whole place could be made beautiful if someone had the time and money. That's the only thing that shocks me since I got on yhis site; I just can't believe so many people just "walked away" from these buildings and just let them sit there to fall apart. I just don't understand that.
Since they don't make them like that anymore, why do they let such architecture go down the tubes like that? It's a real shame.