651 Comments Posted by NANCY

My brother suffered from schizophrania and , even on medicine, he used to talk to people that weren't there and see things that weren't there. It was very scarey! I really never felt his condition was treated properly. Til the day he died, he was never the same.
Motts, have you ever found any rats or other rodents in these places?
Consider the patients today, what do they do with ALL the records of everyone? Both my parents are dead; surely they don't have any records from their doctors, hospitalizations, etc. I mean, how long do they hold on to those things? The 70's weren't THAT long ago; couldn't there be some relatives that are still surviving?
Actually, I just finished a book on Christopher Reeve and he talks about using one of these. They have to raise you gradually or you'll get light-headed from your blood pressure. Just like was just mentioned, he saud it was a relief to actually "stand" again.
Never thought I'd need a college education ; looking at these pictures and people trying to explain them. Some of this is WAY over my head!
I would have guilty leaving them behind.
Day?!? I could spend the rest of my life in there!!
Now that they should throw away!
No one, not no one would build a chimney like that today.
A marble fireplace! I can't believe they would destroy something like this.
Danny Being Manny, you're a sicko. All that intricate wood detail ; it's really beautiful.
The things we leave behind----
Lovely, crystal clear photo!
Thank you, thank you, thank you, everybody for making me laugh!
So where did they all go? Everyone takes their toothbrush when they go somewhere!