3,698 Comments Posted by Motts

Fla. Gator - yes this was in fact a Dutch Door.

money - no, the place was cleaned out quite thoroughly, save for some beds in the basement.
Yes, I've been to The Ridges (Athens) in 2005; the museum was closed and no way into anything. I hope to return at some point and take a look :-)
These doors could close off the various wards and prevent the fire and smoke from spreading throughout the entire building.
Yes I process all photos in RAW format - I've had a few files get corrupted, so now I shoot RAW + JPEG so I have a backup. Hope your wife is OK!
Yes, thanks for the correction!
You have been posting comments under different names, which is a violation of the commenting policy - so all your comments under the various names you've used have been removed. Very simple.
Thanks, this is in fact in the U.S.
bdog, I actually haven't seen any historic photos of these murals. I would like to do some more research on this place some time, as I'm sure they exist...
You can click on the "i" button under the photo to see what camera it was shot with. I currently use a Canon 5D.
With the exception of a few places, the pseudonyms I make up have a pretty obscure clue tied to the location. I also try to find a suitable word that could very well be the name of the place - a name like "super secret state hospital" kills the aura of depicting the place and experiencing the atmosphere of the photographs, in my opinion.

Thanks, I'm glad you like them!
Yes - beds were definitely wheeled out through the two sets of double doors for fresh air treatments.
Yes they were - the hole is actually a drain for the showers in the background, with the grate removed.
It's a cross between a wheelchair and a desk - it allows a person who has difficulty walking some mobility, and a desk surface for eating, reading, etc.

They are commonly used in nursing homes and are pushed around by attendants. They are often called "geri-chairs."
Yes, adult diapers left behind are quite common in these kinds places. However, most, if not all, were infant sized, which confused me.
Yes they were empty - these kinds of glassware were probably sterilized in an autoclave for re-use.