3,698 Comments Posted by Motts

It couldn't have been more than an inch or two...
Here is an interesting website addressing some of those concerns: http://dsmc.info
No there wasn't much if any paperwork left behind.

You might be able to find books about treating psychological disorders in certain eras, although I would imagine there are a myriad of different disorders and treatments to look through.

Patient records are probably managed by the Connecticut State Department of Mental Health, who would be able to help you more than I can: www.dmhas.state.ct.us
If you were arrested for trespassing, yes they would take your cameras and other belongings as evidence, you'd probably get it back after the trial and all that but it's probably the last thing you'd be worried about.
It depends on many things like what you are doing and what your intentions are, but they have arrested many people at Danvers State for simply walking around.

They are demolishing the place right now and some construction equipment has already been vandalized, they might not take too kindly to anyone being on the property... I cannot speak for the security company, Avalon Bay, or the local and state police though, you'd have to ask them for more information.
Thanks, I bought a camera and started travelling to these places to photograph them.
Thanks peat moss, I find it incredible that these tours were so sparse, and even more so that no one has been allowed to see or photograph a registered historic landmark. I appreciate the pride that some towns have for their historic buildings instead of shunning them away, especially the Kirkbrides in Buffalo, Weston, and Athens.
newbe, information on entering the property is not permitted on this website.
Lame tags with marker.
I've seen this same quote written on the wall in another psych hospital, I can't remember which though, I think it was in PA... kind of strange.
I live far far away from Danvers, so I don't have many chances to scout things out, find entrances, and make my way around without getting arrested.

Of course I needed to know it was a fluoroscope in the first place!
Thanks Arasine, some people have walked into shots which end up looking like ghosts, but I haven't noticed anything out of the ordinary.
AutumnTwin I've been trying to get to places I haven't visited yet, or others in immediate danger of being demolished, but hopefully I will return to Gravesend soon.