201 Comments Posted by Max

I believe they have less restrictive forms of artificial respiration today. I'm not sure if Iron Lungs are still required in extreme cases.
Priceless shot!
I get clausterphobic just looking at those things. Between 30 years in an iron lung and death, neither one particularly appeals to me!
What was weighed with a Fairbanks Morse scale?
Sounds a little Dickensian.
Whether it's vandals, the wrecking ball, or mother nature that destroys this place, you're looking at the last image in its pristine state.
The scheme looks almost Hindu, until you examine it closer!
Big urns for soup. Institutions did well with soup. Soup was cost effective and didn't involve any dangerous cutlery for the patients!
Lynne, you could be an abandoned hospitals tour guide!
They left the curtains up! Very nice.
That setup looks kind of Rod Serling-esque if you ask me!
Looks like some gangsta wants you to know it's HIS abandoned dentist chair!
It probably looked friendlier with all the bunks, furniture, lighting, and amenities. On the other hand, maybe it was always a dump. You could have had really nice private rooms for the kids, but the taxpayers wouldn't want to pay!
What could you get for them? Uh, how about arrested and charged with trespassing, breaking and entering, vandalism, and theft of state property?
Feh, all function, no form. Typical architecture of the 1950s and 1960s. The ironic thing is a lot of these prefab buildings actually were not very effecient or user friendly. In a lot cases BOTH form AND function were sacrificed for CHEAP!
Hey, that looks like like that motel rom I stayed in when my car broke down outside of Cleveland that time! ; )