Maybe Bobo...that is a good observation. I noticed that hook or wire way above the round knoc myself, and I also wondered if that tv hadn't hung there at one time.
YAY! I can't wait to look at the pictures too! I was starting to go through major Motts-Withdrawal! Needed a 12-Step Program to get over it, I did...heehee. Okay, maybe not.
Well...There isn't one thing that I can add that everyone hasn't said already. I, too, have checked the site DAILY since May and everytime I'd seen that there wasn't anything new, I would get tears in my eyes. I missed you so much and I've thought about you weekly, if not daily. Even my hubby was wondering about you (shocked face!) and asking about you.
Glad to see you are back, and I hope 2013 is as good of a year as 2012.
Ohhhh....I am so happy! You have taken a rainy day (been raining here for the past 2 days in fact) and made it Summer-Sunshine-Warm-And-Fun-filled-Day bright! :)
Please don't be a stranger! I know it isn't my place to pry, but I am sure everyone else is curious a little bit too...
What has been happening in Motts-world that kept you away for so long?
((HUG)) I will always be here for you--my exploring friend of whom I speak of a lot (and of whom my hubby tells me to shutup about constantly lol) are living my dream too. :) I can't explore the world quite how I used to be able to (5 kids...nuff said lol) so I have to live precarously through you. :)
Keep em coming and stay away from those Zombie Snakes and Zombie Goats!
This room is just MASSIVE and all those files!! I don't know if I could hold out my own curioisity either in here. I would be reading until...well the goats came home?
I agree with eldokid. I would be SOOOO paranoid! This looks almost TOO maintained, compared to the rest of the place...I would be afraid of someone coming in and catching me...or of a Zombie Goat, or Zombie Snake...or a ZOMBIE!
Bzzzz...yes, Mr. DEADHEAD need the record from 1999 please...
Motts..I think it was really considerate of them to put in a ramp for the know how hard it is to walk up steps when you are ... oh, just a little dead. :D
Just playing around!
This room really creeps me out for some reason! WTH I think of the movie "The Exorsist" or even "Psycho" ... *shiver* Someone hold me?
Methinks someone WANTS HIS MTV!