3,181 Comments Posted by Lynne

[stunned silence]
[stunned silence]
Through The Lens, those were jokes from another part of the site - just a quick FYI.
Letchworth wasn't a "mental institution"; it was a developmental center. Regardless, it is a GOOD thing that people these days don't see folks with mental retardation/developmental disabilities or mental illness as lepers to be shunned or avoided. They are just peeps like you and me because they ARE just you and me.

OK, small rant there, jes' like old times. ;-)
All right, you young punks out there who don't know what it was like before microwaves were invented and we had to rely on barbaric devices such as this for our snacks - you make us old folks feel super-old! >:-P
Which is why I adore the staff even more. They could get a job with equal pay and better hours at a 7-11 but they choose to work here to take care of folks who need assistance just to get by day by day. My admiration for the people who choose to do this is boundless.
Agreed - I did a quick web check and couldn't find any references. I would love to see the original source for that.

Where did you read that? That would be most interesting.
Em, "it isnt really polite to complain in a public place intended for a differnt purpose other then speaking your thoughts about others choices in words" - like you just did? ;-)

Keith, the word "retard" is meant as an insult. The "community" of people who write in here don't like that word and people who consider themselves mature don't use it because when used these days as a noun it is meant as a slur. If someone wrote in a racial slur I know there would be just as much of a negative reaction to it.

In truth, the word has picked up so much of a negative connotation that the term "mental retardation" is being replaced in the field with "intellectual disability." That ought to show you that there is enough emotional baggage associated with the term that people find it offensive.
No, they look different.
AAAAARRRRRGGGGGHHHHH!!!!!! *I* didn't say that, ~Me - swear to God! =8-o
Too funny, Drew! And see what people have made of it? [chuckle]


I did a paper for a college class many, many moons ago on graffiti. When I get back to work from vacation I'll see if it had anything interesting. I rather doubt it, though.
I believe that Motts and Joe are correct - it's a wash basin/drain basin for cleaning body parts.