113 Comments Posted by Lisa

OOOOHHH now why cant I have something like that in my living room???
God I love black and white photo's, they can give just the right touch
Could it be possable that the hospital had a day care for employee's or possably one for outpatient care?? I dont know if they did outpatient but.. if there were tricycles and this carriage. My guess would be daycare.
I post at the old Worcester Hospital with my work and have always stared at the buildings in nothing but awe at the beauty. Looking at this picture give's me a new appreciation for its beauty. Its a sad thing that such buildings are going to waste . It is a relief to see that they are still in ok shape on the in side. Thank you for taking your wonderful pictures.
looks like the ship is in pain
Those look like waste jugs to me. Probably a chemistry lab.
What about the old building that was refurbished I think it was E-2? Any other pics for that side of the blvd?