152 Comments Posted by Kelly

Love your work Mr. Motts, looking forward to the next new gallery!
Probably was locked so they sawed it off to get into the room.......nice work Motts!!
Wow, I love the light in this shot. Those doors really draw you in.
Looks to me like they were counting the days that they were in there.
Or all the people who were tied down to the bed. My uncle spent 2 years here and he sais it was hell, the things he saw other people going through. Also when i was 16 my ex-boyfriend was here more that once and he saw someone hang themselves. They even used to fire hose some of the patients down. I remember one time when I was visiting, this lady wanted a cigarette so I gave her one and when the gaurds saw her smoking they all tackled her down, it was awful, my ex told me she had her smoking privleges taken away for something she did. So many bad memories of this place they really were treated like animles.
probably couldn't find the key to a locked door, would of been weird if there was a patient in there when they sawed the door off.
I'd like to look at all the papers in the other room on the floor!
What do you think the hole in the wall was used for?
Ive cried more than once, you're work is awsome its so sad to see such a place ruined. Thanks to you we got to see such a beautiful place and imagine what it must have looked like at one time. Than kyou so much for all you're beautiful pictures......most of us that look at them would never see these places without you........Please be careful!! I pray you will always be safe when you go to these places. God bless you Mr. Motts.
I love this! I was born in Bristol and moved to Kent (Ashford) then moved to Ramsgate (Thanket, Kent) when I met my now husband.
My Grandfather was an OT at the hospital, this is the door he walked through everyday. When i saw this picture it brought tears to my eyes and made me miss him and my grandmother who was a nurse here(my uncles were also all orderlies here). the hospital has been a fixture in my life and now that its gone i feel like i lost another piece of my family and its history
It's a relief to get out of the building and see a blossoming tree. Looking at all those crumbling walls and flaking paint makes my lungs feel as though they are full of toxins.
i was in the childrens ward (yorkwoods) from 1986-1988. then a ras tranferred to the girls unit where the pool was at across the street. the rooms u reffered as the whole were actually called quiet rooms.any questions about any of ur pics and who and what kind of degree for each ward of. depended on their agression. i remember every photo when this place looked new! u can contact me with any questions....expressway_i75@yahoo.com
Thats a power distro I think! I can see MCB/RCDs which would suggest power.