210 Comments Posted by Jack_

"By: Amanda F I wonder if it made them roll over in their graves?? (sorry) lol"

:-)) Depends on many wires they had in them holding that "Peaceful" position when they staged the bodies. They are probably wired for a 100 mph crash.
I thought they were for 'inquisitions' after people were pushed through the opening in the floor. You know, waiting to be converted.
"So, you don't want to believe what we believe, eh. BEHOLD, the gate to hell. Off with you sinner! It is gods will, not mine!" (*push*)
Shouldn't someone play "Spirit in the sky?"
The mirror was used for races. It allows you to look for other racers coming the opposite way so you are less likely to collide wheel chairs, etc.
Soap Dispenser,.......warmers.
Is that "Groovy" or "Far out"? I forget my historical definitions.
"By: Lost Little Lucy How do they detect what parts of the walls are ok? Is there a partical detection machine or something? ( i'm asbesto's ignorant)"

Yes, there are machines that collect air samples for particle content. I think there is also a test that can be done using basic chemistry to check for a color change if asbestos is present. Something like you may see in C.S.I. when they look for traces of blood.
Yes, he was on a starship, but we returned him after we successfully put him back him back together. The star was not dieing though, just bad docking lights. :-)
Gentlemen, start your stoppers! Welcome to race day folks........
By: Stacy "at least if you trip you wont go over the railing...."

:-) No you wont. The fencing will carefully guide you down all of the steps so there is no chance of cheating by falling over the rail.
"Tear down the wall, tear down the wall!" I think this was Pink Floyds inspiration.
Double Scrrened? Pessimism or Optimism? You decide. :-)
Yes, it reminds me of a Bank building.
Dominoes again?