436 Comments Posted by Ilovehorseyrides

Hey cover me up! I'm taking a shower here!!! And where's the soap???
What's in the 4th locker?
I would walk across it.
That is dangerous, all right. Here's a tip for anyone who wants to cross this path: Either be careful or avoid it .
What'll happen if you fall down these holes?
I'm gonna take the mattresses off the beds and ride them down these stairs. Who's with me?
I can see Mrs. Potts and Chip form Disney's "Beauty and the Beast" on the wall
Infant one? WT? Or is it Infant Zone?
I'm gonna ride that
Any bouncy horses for me to ride?
I'm gonna vaccum up that bed and then jump on it.
Is that Latin for "Blood in the chair"?
Tommy: It's OK, Chuckie! I'll scare him away!
A typical schedule for me:

For the school year:

7AM-3PM: School
3-7PM: Relax
7-9PM: Dinner

For the weekends and vacations:

7-9:30AM: Sleep in
9:30AM-12PM: Listen to music
12-1PM: Lunch
1-7PM: Video games, computers, relax
7-9PM: Dinner
9-10:30PM: Relax
10:30PM: Bed

OR I get to spend a day at the shore or an amusement park during the summer vacation.

In other words, I do the same boring stuff day after day.
I was born in 1992 , Emma.