170 Comments Posted by Ericam

Hey I like this angle, unusual for you, but it works.
I'm a nurse and I assure you that is def. not real. Hah, on another note, I used to work with the developmentally disabled, 'profoundly mentally retarded' adults... and it makes me think of them shitting and pissing everywhere. Ugh, I'd be walking around this place thinking about how poop was probably smeared all over, etc. Maybe I'm just fucked up though. But seriously.. ugh, shit smearing..
this is an amazing place, man!
I second the 'something-used-to-attach-to-this" theory.
I guess it doesn't matter because I know this wouldn't have been a residents room.
Where did the bedside table go? Or am I thinking of a different room?
Heavy smoke damage?
The funny thing is for some really psychotic patients those drugs don't do shit. & ECT/EST can be really beneficial in some cases, also lobotomies are still performed in some parts of the world, I think England being one of them.. but obviously in a more humane way.
What's the lettering say? Just the make/model (or whatever the hell it is on pianos)?
Even though the place is relatively boring, it was still nice to see your photos.
Something about winter-time/snowstorm & abandoned buildings just does it for me.
Ahhh I really liked this gallery. Love fog. I drive through it every morning and every evening living so close to the ADK. mountains.
My first couch was Ethan Allen and it had the same frame, but orange cushions on the backs and seat area, obviously. It was pretty rad. My boyfriend at the times parents wedding present.
I can't wait for your photos. I only made it to this place once, and when I hear about it I think about teenagers being stupid and careless, but your photos have brought it class and remind me why I am a fan of my memories of it.