404 Comments Posted by Ed

My second time through this gallery, wonderful as always Mr. Motts, right up there with the boat graveyard pics!!!!! (just viewed the Danvers Demise pics on the forum) this gallery cheered me up!!! Thank you!! - Ed from Oregon
Lenin, Stanley Kubrick's "The Shining" (1980) Exteriors were filmed at the Timberline Lodge in Oregon, Ed from Oregon;-)
If it wasn't for "Session 9" I wouldn't have found this site!! (as well as many others on here) ;-) - Ed from Oregon
FB Jim, Any info you have would be greatly appreciated-Thanks!!
This ship was built in North Bend OR, cool, Thats where I live!!
Hey Radical Ed, Imagine setting this gallery of pics to some King Diamond music!!!!;-)
Bravo Mr. Motts!!! A very different gallery, I Loved It!! For once I looked at all the new pics before commenting, i'm glad I did!!. I couldn't choose a favorite, every pic was awesome!! Thanks to you once again Mr. Motts! My hats off to Candace too!;-)
Lynne, does this count as a rant?
You people? Sounds like Asshat bashing to me, don't include me, or any of the regulars on here, I am (several) miles away from Danvers, and I get my fix in front of the computer, if you read further into this site, you'll see treaspassing, and vandalism is not encouraged, and the owner of this site will not reveal, under any circumstances, locations of any of these abanndoned places, Danvers is unfortunatly so well known already, everyone knows about it! I'm sorry you feel the way you do, I am saddened by Danvers demise (especially the Kirkbride) - Ed from Oregon
Wow fedz has A crew! That must make him A boss!!! He seems very important! The concrete slaps (slabs, for those of us who got past 1st grade english) is between fedz's ears!!!!;-) "slap" hmm, now that I think of it thats a great idea! anyone with me?
Mr. Motts, did you get any pics inside staff housing?
Me and my friends went their it is scary at night
Tony C. I made almost the same comment Last time Mr. Motts was here!! (I wish the F. M. Scale was re-photographed), Don't you Lynne? :-)
I think Motts should have raised an "Opacity" flag here!!!!! ;-)
Thanks for the new Galleries Mr. Motts, if you were sick when you took them it doesn't show!!! And I also love the new forum!!!! ;-) Ed from Oregon