79 Comments Posted by Denise

I have bad dreams about needing to pee and the stall not having a door or there being several toilets lined up with no stalls or multipul seats in one stall. This is the first time I've ever seen that dream come to life. Totally creeping me out that my dream is of something real and I didn't even know it.
If you look closer under the howling face you can see a couple of skulls in the archway
Thank you for the pics fantastic pics of Danvers State Hospital......I still live here in the danvers area and I use to live down the street from Danvers State. I have always been facinated by its history and I still am. Looking at these pics help to imagine what it was like....I hate to see them tear it down. Unfortunate as it is....it is historic.
this place isnt even haunted read people