336 Comments Posted by Dark-Star

You always manage to find the most humorous violations of signs, Motts!
Thanks for the history. That is a freaking lot of coal.
Awesome possum backstory, Sean! Thank you so much for sharing! Reading all the history in the comments is half the fun on Opacity!
Doesn't take much imagination to envision someone being trapped under the heavy stuff...lying down...no way to move...
How do you come up with these titles that are just perfect to your photos?
Interesting evidence about fire department practice. I swear the people on this site have the most unique things to share...all because of Motts photos!
Halidol - Ugh.
Thorazine - Oy!
Lithium in addition to a medium high dosage - YIKES!!!
"EST (electroshock therapy) as a calming measure" - HOLY @#$%!
"Daily if necessary" - OMGwhatisthisIdon'tevern...

@Sad One - my prayers go out to you for the treatment you went through. May He gives daily strength to fight your personal demons.

@Jacob - the exact amount and time to be administered would be recorded elsewhere with the patient's records.
So this is the page that started the "soap dispenser" trope? Yay! I finally found it once and for all and ever!

Seriously...great site, great people, and great jokes. Long live opacity.
Well-p, MY curiosity is darn well satisfied. Won't be sleeping much tonight...this is why I leave such exploration to others...
Awesome. Looks right out of S.T.A.L.K.E.R., which is partly why that game rocked so much.
YAAAY! New gallery!
So what exactly does this mean? The thing was not operating, being balky, what?
Those old life rings would barely float a 5 year old.

@autoguy - I'm taking it that you're speaking from experience...ugh...what a horrible mental image.
What would happen if you fell into that?
@Retired Tech - so there is no active source of radiation unless the things is actually plugged in and powered on, if I understand you?

That's a relief.