163 Comments Posted by Cynder

I get this "All hope is gone" type feel with this. Idk maybe because it's pitch black around the frame and then the outside window is all sepia toned. Makes me think of "deterioration" and old and that sort of deal because y'know dirt, fall leaves, old picture ect ect.
Oh simplistic buildings at a Mental Hospital make it for me. Their just so.......... plain but give you the creeps at the same time. But of course I'll take the gothic architect of a kirkbride any day.
DUN DUN DUUUNNNN!!! ~the chair~

idk XD But heh dramatic shading is always epic.
Those are some brutal gas masks. Me want!
The intense shadows made this for me. Also I've always been one to take for eerie labratories.
The creeping light I like
I find it enchanting. The slight angle, and the decay along with the debris makes it for me. I find the monotone intensifies it. How I like me some good Hallway shots ahahaha XDDD
I actually enjoy the contrast and coloring in this photo with the mood. The blue sky and the clouds with the tree there in the Background (greens by the bike) sets the mood as if it was peaceful and quite yet the institutional building and the forlorn bike in the foreground give it that pity feeling and hit of sorrow giving or hinting a feeling of emptiness?
Pretty awesome perspective shot. I'd like to draw this sometime. Idk what it is. The Simplicity maybe? The vacancy. The fact these halls were once full and now empty? Or maybe it's because it looks uncomfortably narrow. >:T hmmmm... and the Walls kinda remind me of my old Middle School. Specially before closing.
Of all the Psychiatric Facilities on this site and ones I've seen irl, this is prolly the most disturbing.
Sesame street has been warped for me....
Knowing me I'll be the one who's mistake it as a reflection and walk over it then realize it's not and fall to my death u_u;
Sends a chill up that spine!
I'm surprised no one had pointed out the velvety fuzzy type shiz that's still on it. None of the other suggested toys had any texture like it... I'm guessing it was a puppet of the sorts? The slot of the forehead could have held some accessory in place back in the toys heyday... maybe like a hat or something?