122 Comments Posted by Chipy

oh what a pitty, no ghost-pic. =P the low contrast of his head and the copper behind makes him look like a transparent appiration. really f* freakin. 8-O

nontheless danvers hospital and the hill where it was build on is what ghost experts call 'the epicenter of haunting energy'. u really got some balls to enter this place. ;-)
ok i can see it now. theres something what looks like a black transparent person standing on the stone balcony right ahead and staring at the photographer. maybe the copper plates at this position faded to black by any reason but if so its unusual to the other copper plates which are all in good conditions with its green patina. but it *really* looks like a ghost. best ghost pic of all and with a good chance for being a real ghost-pic. now this pic cached me up. :)))

motts did u notice any figure on the balcony when u took the pic? where u alone? did u feel somehow like being watched?