969 Comments Posted by Canada

If I had to wake up to this in the morning I would never want to open my eyes!
Could be or given the place may have been used for rules... Not sure. Still is a neat find.
LOL now that is sooooo true Dean! There really are far and few between abandoned places here.

There are a lot of barns and rusting cars in Alberta and Saskatewan but there just not the same. I live in BC so there really is not a heck of a lot of abandoned places to shoot here.

And just for the record I don't like Tim Hortons... I don't drink coffee.
That is a cool little set. The morgue creeped me out... sort of makes you feel like a pile of meat in the end with the "turn on the AC"
This is one of my favorite galleries Motts fantastic for sure!
Enter if you dare!!!! Muhahahahahaha!
You would think that they would put this in a museum or the local library or city hall or anything!
Man I can just imagine this baby running and that awesome sound they made.... that mechanical sound.
This place is massive! What would the show here Motts? Movies or plays of both?
I think my chin just hit my keyboard! I think this may just be my knew favorite photo on this sight!

Motts I'm begging you please oh pretty please with a cherry onto make this into a wallpaper!
Absolutely amazing! If only those dishes could talk ! I really like this photo.
The sound of the dentist drill gives me major chills!
Sensational!!!! I can just see on of the demented nurses form Silent Hill pushing that wheelchair.
A truly astounding photo Motts!
One of my faves, the mood, lighting and everything come together so well. What a fantastic photo Motts!
Looks like some good quality wood there and well built chairs! O wonder how many trees were used in the construction of all those chairs.
Sure is tragic to just let them rot away we sure live in a wasteful society .