969 Comments Posted by Canada

Garbage shoot?
"You okay?"
"Yes I was just using my head"

I have done that a few times, and Matt you right you always seem to hit your head on the way back out.
"Footprints in the dust..."
Reminds me of a pawn shop....
That is some major water damage.
Absolutely LOVE the colors here, This would make a fantastic wallpaper Motts, the contrasting mood and the interesting objects of everything is fantastic.
Reminds me of my childhood....
Love the trail it left behind sort of looks like it's dragging it's self across the ground.
Sad how places like this will never exist again.... over 100 years of life, passion, work, sweat and tears....gone! It's truly a time and era that none of us will ever experience. A time when men were men and work was real work. Too all of you work and sweat for a living I thank you all. I also thank you too Motts for getting there photo's if it was not for you then none of use would ever see these places.
Warning... keep arms away from the wheel...
Looks like art to me. Wonderful colors and patterns
My thoughts exactly Binky a WWII Battleship.... sad that they no longer built battleships now..... there was just something showed your power and fear then a massive battleship loaded with massive 80mm guns!
I was thinking the same thing also how loud it would be in here,,,,, must be sad and strange to realize that they only hear silence now...
One has to wonder about the value in the steel of this place.... Sort of ironic that it's a steel mill.
"At last I can read my books... *crack*.... no it's not fair.... It's not fair...." .