681 Comments Posted by Binky

Yuck. We hates the flourescences.

It burns us
Wants one for my house
That's gotta be unobtrusive in a New York kinda way.

The top of the doorframe looks like either a flower box, or a soap dispenser..
With easy washable walls...
Does that say Bed, or Bad on the door?
Main Entry: 1cor·ner
Pronunciation: ˈkȯr-nər
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French cornere, from corne horn
Date: 13th century
1 a : the point where converging lines, edges, or sides meet : angle b : the place of intersection of two streets or roads c : a piece designed to form, mark, or protect a corner
2 : the angular part or space between meeting lines, edges, or borders near the vertex of the angle <the southwest corner of the state> <the corners of the tablecloth>: as a : the area of a playing field or court near the intersection of the sideline and the goal line or baseline b (1) : either of the four angles of a boxing ring; especially : the area in which a boxer rests or is worked on by his seconds during periods between rounds (2) : a group of supporters, well-wishers, or adherents associated especially with a contestant c : the side of home plate nearest to or farthest from a batter <a fast ball over the outside corner> d : corner kick e (1) : the outside of a football formation (2) : cornerback
3 a : a private, secret, or remote place <a quiet corner of New England> <to every corner of the earth> <dark corners of the mind> b : a difficult or embarrassing situation : a position from which escape or retreat is difficult or impossible <was backed into a corner>

4 : control or ownership of enough of the available supply of a commodity or security especially to permit manipulation of the price
5 : a point at which significant change occurs —often used in the phrase turn the corner

Yes, I am a nerd, but #3 and #5 were cool.
1. of, pertaining to, or resembling twilight; dim; indistinct.
2. Zoology. appearing or active in the twilight, as certain bats and insects.

1660–70; crepuscule


Medical Dictionary
1 : of, relating to, or resemblingtwilight <crepuscular depths of personality —William James>
2 : active in the twilight <crepuscular animals>

Twilight Depths of personality...Groovy

I'm all learning and stuff
Soap Dish?
Hogan's Heroes?
Main Entry: se·nes·cence
Pronunciation: si-ˈne-sən(t)s
Function: noun
Etymology: senescent, from Latin senescent-, senescens, present participle of senescere to grow old, from sen-, senex old
Date: 1695
1 : the state of being old : the process of becoming old
2 : the growth phase in a plant or plant part (as a leaf) from full maturity to death

Well, I was wondering...
"temping us with its sweet, dank basement smell"

Loving it Motts.
Wait, is the little man Motts?
Or, is that the international leaping sign?
So, I see the hidious florescent light fixtures, what did they have previously? That's assuming that the building is one of the older ones, based on the power conduits being external.
Not a seat, it's the soap dish.
Yes. We need to know about the soap dishes please.

Just in case.