290 Comments Posted by BKWOntario

That is odd, particularly since the holes are not centred above or around the door.
It does kind of look like that, doesn't it Dylan. Kind of plays with your head. I would imagine it was pitch black there, Mr. Motts? So the light is from your own lights?
Nice tile work. What is that entrance area half way down on the left? Right in the front left of the shot it looks like the tile wall is on a slight angle for some reason?
Thank heavens not much graffiti or damage.
The boxy things on top of each column - were they rooms? could a person go into them and see out? or are they just solid brickwork?
Amazing that a tree would grow out of the side of the building. Bad place to put those tires, if they ever caught fire, it would make a huge mess and destruction to the brewery, which would be a shame.
Another fantastic special effects shot. Thanks Mr. Motts.
Wow, beautiful. Looks like an etching in copper.
I agree with ferdy, A D Nilsen and eldokid.
Is that a hole in the roof at the end of the chute on the tower? Were they perhaps removing things from the tower and sending them down the chute to fall through the hole in the roof to the floor on that storey where they wanted them?
Gosh, for a minute I thought there was an "r" in the title word. Another great gallery, thanks so much Mr. Motts. Please do some more American and Canadian hospitals.
OMG - fear of heights, fear of heights, I had to take a breath and step back. Great angle again, though, Mr. Motts. The lower level looks like it is in pitch black.
Great angles.
Are those two holes in the floor?
Why would someone go in and smash all the glass and the tops of the tile counters? senseless.