47 Comments Posted by Allyssa

I was never able to find these murals, I wish they hadn't demolished Gaebler.
I am very interested in any information anyone has about belchertown state school, I've been taking pictures there and researching it for a while. I'd love to know more about the place from former patients and employees if possible. Or any suggestions on how to get more information, please contact me at http://www.facebook.co...p?id=100000074927432

but please leave a message telling me if you're interested in talking or seeing my photographs, I don't except random adds.
Reminds me of the walls at Belchertown, I've signed my name there.
I admire all of you for your strength.
I love the wallpaper!
was there 2 and john, haven't posted in a while but john i have some other pictures of the building if you'd like to see them and was there 2 i'd love to hear more of your stories about the facility if you don't mind.
any other fun or interesting stories john? i'm down to hear about anything. (:
thank you so much john for replying, i bet it must have been pretty interesting in there. i've taken a lot of pictures of it, the place is pretty trashed now. it makes me really sad.
i honestly thought that was carpet at first glance.
reminds me of the room in gaebler's, love the colors though.
oh sketchy, but must have been cool to find.
i really like the caption, it's lame that they leave such nice equipment behind.
the branches are a little creepy, but beautifully painted.
yellow is my favorite color too. ):
we had those in my old middle school, kind of gives me the creeps now thinking about it.