164 Comments Posted by Alex

Looks like part of the vent. I'm astounded by how well-preserved this is. The carpet is still in prime shape and that's usually the first to go.
This reminds me of Condemned or Silent Hill. Of course, that's nothing new when it comes to photographs of urban decay. =D
no html i see :(
The bricks remind me of <i>The Wall</i> by Pink Floyd.
BEEN their many times

THREW many Toilets

cherrish memories
Thats nice, almost pleasant in a strange and creepy way. Although the experience is preaty thrilling on its own having strangers look at you while your performing the act of birth must be an awesome experience. Word of advice, don't give birth, never ...
I went in a couple years ago. It was absolutely amazing. I still like going for walks around there. I personally dont recommend trying to go in there anymore though. Besides the fact that it looks like theyve closed off most of the entrances. I know two people who got caught going in there on seperate occasions.
listen to u guys...trying to say this place shouldnt be vandalized?? have yall forgoten that it was abandonded and its rotting from the inside out?..

this graffiti purpose is to get reconized by other vistors.. its more of a brag right because u have to remeber that not everyone can enter this place.. theirs only a couple of entrances to these buildings

i lived Right near this place and like somone else said its part of the scary abandoned enviroment..

Its not disrepectful at all look up the reason why these places got shut down all over america.. ull think alot diff about it
DB YEAA TAHTS OUR SHIT BITCHES! daily bread woot wooot
fuck, its like the shining all over again
me n some mates saw ur site then tried to go n break in bt it went too dark... love these pics motts x
WOw i didnt think of it that way thats def amazing brick work holy shit
That would freak me out seeing that
WOW i wouldnt step on that roof shit would cave in
YEa the real sad part is how many of those rooms their are in that building they are very similar to jail cells...