565 Comments for Michigan Central Station

It isn't an abandoned building in Detroit without a used tire or two
The ceiling looks itchy to me...i don't mean it makes me itchy, I mean it looks like the building has a rash and it's itchy itself. Poor thing.

And I've decided from watching too much 'How It's Made' that anything that does something but doesn't have a name is called a "Hopper"!
Wow! What an amazing picture! With all the different angles and lines involved here, the arches and graffiti, it's like an urban MC Escher drawing or something. And as a fan of graffiti art and artist myself, I support ya Jolene. Right or wrong, graffiti writers and urban exploration will always go hand in hand. I find the beauty in the decay but also see the graffiti as part of the story...a chapter of the history of that decay.
I wonder who LISA is? Wonder if it was her that wrote her name on the pillars all the way up in the right corner, or if it was a boyfriend (or girlfriend of course) that climbed out on the ledge 4 times for that. Glad her name wasn't Esmeralda or something!
It's actually an old train station, located in Detroit MI.
Where is this church located
That brickwork is incredible. Imagine the cost to replicate that today...if you could find masons who posess that level of skill...very unlikely. My whole point is, when we lose these buildings, we also lose the remarkable design and craftmanship they required from a bygone era, never to be replicated.
Michigan Central defines Detroit. Marvelous history, unmistakeable purpose and presence, robust and resilient, this incredible landmark will endure into the future just as the city it represents will.
I totally agree with Teddy!
Oh Wow! There's some color in this photo! : )) Along with other interesting things, of course! (Heh! Heh!)
I dunno know....This photo actually kinda depresses me. Sorry.
Alright! Another staircase! Looks a bit modern for this building...And, of course, someone had to take the bannisters! : (
I was pretty certain this building had elevators because of its height! : )....Also, that's really bad about the guy falling down the elevator shaft at the old Post Office Building next door. You continue to watch your step Motts!
@Chocko. *Ahem!* I've NEVER gone busting out windows!

@Motts. Another great photo!