
This reminds me of the pictures of those shafts of light coming in through the roof of the ruined Superdome in NOLA following Katrina.
It looks like the beam of a spotlight - take a bow...
I for one am glad people like Lynne and Anna are here to educate those who see anything vaguely institutional as some sort of medieval torture chamber staffed by grinning sadists.

Popular culture has done much to tarnish the reputation of the entire field - this is as good a place as any for those who know different to bite back...

I suspect that many over-active imaginations have been given a sharp reality check following a visit to this site!
Everybody had crew-cuts and white shoes.

How boring.
You're lucky. I can smell a rotting corpse a mile off. And if there's one thing that seriously freaks me out, it's something dead. Not a clean skeleton - those are interesting rather than scary but something half rotted makes me recoil if I come across it in the woods or whatever.

Another reason I'd make a lousy UE-er....
Maybe they had to follow some 'road rules' like keep to the right.
Remember - it's the thought that counts... lol!
Heheh bdhsnake I shouldn't say 'ECT' around here too loud if I were you - people have imaginations y'know...

Oh wait, you meant 'et cetera' - something completely different - lol!
This is the first footwear I've seen in any of these galleries. One of my Yahoo groups is called 'Abandoned Shoes', so you know I've been looking for them (LOL) Looks like they were some form of a sneaker. They also look like they would still be wearable.
No way out...
What constituted "extreme precautions" I wonder? Mace? Body armour? A platoon? :-/
You're not alone, I haven't seen Session 9 either!

I remember One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest though... nasty stuff, and probably the origin of much of the continuing interest in psychiatric facilities.

Remember... it's Hollywood!
Reminds me of a house I found a couple years back. It was full of dead deer!! My buddy refused to go beyound the entrance, 'cause of the smell. I didn't smell a thing and went on my merry way exploring the various rooms.

My secret? I have hayfever, and my nose is plugged up most of time, and it sometimes works to my advantage.
It looks like a picture from a 1950"s murder mystery. Very nice pic.
I worked in this building for 12 years - I met some of the nicest people (and the worse) and have learned alot about life, like thank God I could unlock those doors and go home every night. Some patients we treated like family. we were their only link to the outside, some never knew what it was like outside of those walls.. You can't believe some of the stories the old folks told us.