1,827 Comments Posted by eldokid@aol.com

This is the part I would have loved looking at. You'd have to pry me away from this corner!
Like the mouth of some industrial monster
I agree and well said!
Probably where the foreman parked himself?
Holy Cow!!
That would have set off my claustrophobia for sure -
Can you imagine this place when it was operational. . . ear-splitting machine noises, people running all over doing their jobs. . . and now ....total quiet.
There must have been one hell of an echo in this place!
That would make a cool apartment
Can you imagine the noise that must have been in these places with all the machinery running? I doubt they were too concerned with hearing loss back then. I wonder how many people worked here that are now tone deaf?
That reminds me of an old oil fired furnace I once knew
but what were they measuring. .
What the ?#@@!* are these? They look like some of the aparatus that was in Dr. Frankensteins Lab.
I wonder if when they demolish places like this if someone goes around and saves all these metal plates, signs, knobs and whatever else they can pry loose? I know I sure as hell would.
Those two holes should be a hint! HA! Happy Holidays Mr. Motts and thank you for another fine gallery. This will be my Christmas Present!!