1,827 Comments Posted by eldokid@aol.com

Are all the men wearing SUITS? These are the patients? Boy, have we come a long way, and not necessarily for the better.
I still think it's pretty neat!
oh no. . MORE boxes. . .
That peach color reminds me of a kitchen color we had back in the 1970's.
Oh god, more boxes. I know it's not "proper" but I would have a hard time NOT going through all of the boxes in this place (tells you what kind of active social life I have HAHA)
What's that thing on the outside? Almost looks like where the faucet would be, but on the outside?
How cool is this -
Motts goes back in time to snap a photo of the same spot.

I wonder why they blocked out the narrow windows on each side of that window. I kind of like the look of it the old way.
If that was "administrative" paperwork it was probably just office receipts, work orders, invoices, paid bills, personnel files and the like, probably not patient files. But then again you never know.
Morbid curiosity would have made me look to see if there were any files in that file cabinet. I once had the luck to have to "clean out" a dark scary basement for a company and found a bank of file cabinets. In them were all kinds of fascinating reading, company history, legal papers, everything. I spent two weeks down there reading!!
no wonder they were institutionalized - UGLEEEE
That's all that would have to happen, be walking down this hallway and have some rabid critter jump out at me! HA!
It's amazing that the paint isn't peeling off in sheets like in most of these places. Here it just seems to be flaking off in spots.
That dotted line down the middle of the ceiling looks like a "cut here" line. Is that the roof pulling apart or a light fixture or just a play on light and dark, it's kind of hard to tell.
That still looks pretty good, like just a good cleaning would bring it back -