349 Comments Posted by pegasus64

I like to read the posts before looking at the picture. Then I already have a picture of it in my mind...and yes, it does look like someone really wanted out of there...or really wanted whatever was in there...
I still can't get the sound of shuffling feet, gurgling drool, and the cries of an insane mind out of my heart whenever I see these bleak pictures. Not that the picture is bleak...but once you entered these "hallowed halls" life as a "normal" person was over forever.
must have built during the aesthetic movement....
The ascention...only there is no savior in this place...
It made supervision of the "clients" much easier. Now something like this would never be allowed because of client rights...a much needed improvement in the care of chronically mentally ill and developmentally disabled.
The rantings of an unbalanced mind...
Beds as far as the eye can see, despair piled up to the ceiling, big windows that let in the sun but don't let out the depression, no such thing as privacy...misery loves company...but these people would have preferred not to have the misery.
Can't you just feel it...feet shuffling along from one place to another. This was not a place of joy..,
Actually, you can stack large amounts of sheets, towels, or underpads in these. I work in a facility for the mentally ill, but we don't use these any more.
In the facility that I work in, rarely is someone "chemically" restrained. You can't even put someone in a wheelchair by a table because the table can be considered a restraint. Chemical, mechanical, or hands-on restraint is used sparingly and only to prevent injury. In fact, the resident has more rights than the staff do.
Was this person hurting herself or are they just make-up? Just think, if she really was a "cutter" she would have been locked up in that place a few years ago.
Yes it is, we had to install one in the facility where I work. It isn;t so much feeling like a cage, but now they can't jump....
Story after story, room after room of misunderstood people. At one point in time, you could get anyone committed with just a signature. I can almost see the lost and lonely people locked away "for their own good". Tragedy...simply a tragedy...
Waiting for a performance starring the Lobotomy Choir...
Psych beds should have no springs, and the mattresses have to be totally sealed.