29 Comments Posted by iggy

The thing on the right looks like a pregnant woman
this was built before they factored in that long narrow spaces give the impression that you're trapped in a pit and, while cool looking, are not soothing
Lynne forgets that while it sucks to work there, it sucks to live there worse, because you never get to leave. Theyve got this thing with red carpeting and paint. some guy told me it was so blood wouldnt stain but i think he was just being a dick
what a cartoonishly evil name. i wonder if they thought about it before they decided
They put the polish kids in here and when they ask to use the bathroom the staff tells them to go in the corner. Sick bastards.
ya it is. talk about night terrors jeez
also, they have phased out straight jackets in favor of a new restraint system, belts and a sack. much worse and much harder to get out of
Almost all children and adolescent wards have murals of exotic colorful imaginary lands, typically patients first see them whilst straight-jacketed, being dragged to their cell. I find them hilarious, as I'm never too fucked up to miss a good joke.
Lynne is sorta correct but she doesn't seem to acknowledge that DMH and DSS can badly fuck up peoples lives. i have not met anyone living on the outside who was nearly as insane as someone put into certain foster homes at a young age. it almost happened to me. An abusive overweight father taking pills for his extreme anger problems and a sexually abusive mother (also very obese). had i stayed in such a setting i would've acted out, been locked up, administered mind altering medication, and ended up an institutionalized shell of a person unable to cope with the outside world.
The workers in places such as this are paid extremely low wages and are usually the dregs of society who are themselves in and out of institutions their entire lives. They are, in my personal experience, shitty people. Some of them don't care in a good way ( allowing you in girls rooms, etc.), but most of them are pissed off because their life sucks, and take it out on patients through either excessive enforcement of rules (one flew over the cuckoo's nest) or blatant abuse (use of restraints and other methods of control as forms of punishment). then occasionally you get someone who hasnt been crushed by the weight of the world, their optimism is grating.
A dummy would be not near as atmospheric as a pentagram drawn in the blood of a black cat on the floor, the eviscerated cat dangling on the hook.
I knew this kid at one time who, upon looking at these mirrors, thought the room was on fire and melting, hence the distortion.
That could be a license making machine. Retards and other invalids are prime sources for extremely low-end labor of the same type that 6 year old chinese children perform. You know when you get furniture or a t.v. or something with a little bag of bolts to assemble it, an incorrigible mental deviant making 3 dollars an hour put the stuff in the bag.
I just a few days ago spent the night here. I went in at night with no flashlight, thus couldn't find my way out. I stayed on the roof. I didnt want to go back inside at night and consequently that's where i slept. i would not advise going there alone