220 Comments Posted by gypsy

Marvelous. There's no greater find in an abandoned place in my opinion than a clock forever stopped...
Ooh.........one of those "take a deep breath before you go on" shots...
And mine! Eternal thanks... and, it has to be said: oh, the GREED it takes to build on a cemetery!!! No marker, no informing future residents of the new developments... absolutely boils the blood! May those responsible for such disrespect have apartments built on their graves. ..................Ironic, ain't it?? The unsung people who're there to preserve this unsung history, such as you, Motts, are the ones who are considered the invaders. But a corporate "whatsit" can come in and... well, anyway, thankyou again for what you do. A thousand-fold.
Hehe that's what I thought too, Angel...
Waverly's great. Highly recommend. And privately owned, so it's legal if you book a tour.:) Great shot. And gotta say: I've never seen so many spellings in one place for the word "MORGUE".
Radiators are indeed valuable! You could have gotten a tidy sum from a salvage place. Just sos ya know, Poisonous.
Just beautiful.
I think I understand that desire, Kikyo. Something draws people like us to these old buildings... not just the building, but the lifeforce once within and the fact that it's passed. Strange and sad story. What a pic... constructed with shades of the Greco-Roman. The Parthenon was made with talent and reverence to last thousands of years. This was built with similar craftsmanship, only to be felled after 155 years......
Oh, every object back when, even the most eveyday, ignored and mundane was so solid and beautifully made... sigh... unlike today
lol, Evil...
Now we talkin my lan-guage hehe. I love these old pieces.
Great passage, Vince! So out of place with the grandeur of the marble, the generator almost seems superimposed. Wonderful shot.
Incredible walls!!!
Like Atlas, holding up the world...