1,301 Comments Posted by guitorman

Thats' beautiful.
And they used chicken-wire??!
Thats' yggdrasil.
Pretty pink box.
You've got problems if you need one of these.
Is King Kong gonna come outa there...?
Very nice.
Anything around water is interesting and lovely-and sometimes a little scary.I consider myself a hydromaniac.
I think this was the high point of thier life and everything went down from there.
A long time ago,before I heard of VCR's,or even Pennhearst,a local news station showed some footage of life inside
I don't know about all of the children there,but some of those shown didn't even seem to be self-aware.
Some had giant flat heads and couldn't feed themselves mashed potatos.Others were bent in half and swayed rapidly from side to side like a bobbin in a machine.Still others had holes in thier limbs that were healed
so you couldn't tell if they were born that way or something else happened.
I'm not saying these children don't deserve love or help but-come on!
I had a aunt who worked briefly for a 'rehab' center where they kept the 'worst of the worst',some with thier hind legs twisted around thier neck.When rules change,funding is cut and families don't care what can you do.
None of thes institutions were built to hurt people,but as with anything some will be treated unfairly while others should have been dealt with more firmly.
As for the buildings, when you take the life out, a certain sadness settles in...........
All typesetters and printers can read upsidedown and backwards.The tool used to put the type in is a composing stick.The case for storage is called a California Job Case.However,this type looks like a Ludlow,Which means each line is cast separatley from molten lead.then melted down and used over again.Typesetting is rapidly becoming obsolete.(or opaque,if you will)